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5 Tips to Navigate Body Comparisons
You are worth so much. But if you're struggling with your relationship with food and your body, it doesn't always feel that way does it?...
Strategies to Help You Navigate Diet Culture
As I wrote in my last blog post, "Diet Culture: Examples of its Influence in Our Society," diet culture presents its influence in so many...
Diet Culture: Examples of its Influence in Our Society
If you've been following my blog, you know that I've mentioned "diet culture" in multiple blog posts, and that I previously struggled...
Obtaining Support During Your Intuitive Eating Journey
Many people who enter their Intuitive Eating journey would like to receive some support from their friends and family. Given that we're...
Exploring Your Hunger Cues
"Honor Your Hunger" is the second of 10 principles in Intuitive Eating - which is an evidence-based model and a flexible approach to...
My Favorite Non-Diet Podcasts for the Holidays and Beyond
Here's a roundup of my favorite non-diet podcasts to serve as an additional tool for supporting you during the holidays and beyond - on
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