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Destructive Dieting Voices: Part 3 - The Diet Rebel
Hi, everyone! If you've been following my blog, you know that we recently explored two of the three destructive dieting voices which are...

Destructive Dieting Voices: Part 2 - The Nutrition Informant
Hi, everyone! In last week's blog post, "Destructive Dieting Voices: Part 1 - Challenge the Food Police," we explored how the Food...

Destructive Dieting Voices: Part 1- Challenge the Food Police
Today I'm writing the first of three blog posts about three destructive dieting voices - the Food Police, the Nutrition Informant, and...

Why It's Helpful to Stop Plate Checking
Many of us have been there. We're eating a scrumptious meal - when someone nearby suddenly says to us, "You're still hungry?!" Or how...

5 Tips to Navigate Body Comparisons
You are worth so much. But if you're struggling with your relationship with food and your body, it doesn't always feel that way does it?...

Respect Your Body - Intuitive Eating
In a world where we're surrounded by diet culture and are frequently told that we're not good enough, it can understandably be hard for...

Strategies to Help You Navigate Diet Culture
As I wrote in my last blog post, "Diet Culture: Examples of its Influence in Our Society," diet culture presents its influence in so many...

Intuitive Eating: Grieving the Loss of a Loved One - Practice Self-Care
Grieving the loss of a loved one is HARD. It's painful. It's unpredictable. It's part of life. And It can affect our emotional,...

Ditch the Scale - Focus on Behaviors
According to research completed for The Succeed Foundation, 30% of the women surveyed expressed that they would "trade at least one year...

Rejecting the Diet Mentality: Check in with Yourself
If you're trying to give up dieting once and for all - or are thinking about it - I am so very happy for you! Dieting can contribute to...

My Favorite Non-Diet Podcasts for the Holidays and Beyond
Here's a roundup of my favorite non-diet podcasts to serve as an additional tool for supporting you during the holidays and beyond - on

Dieting Doesn't Work for Most People and can be Harmful
For years our society has been bombarded with unrealistic expectations about how we should look. We're also regularly told what we...

You are Worth so Much
It's no secret that we live in a world in which we're constantly bombarded with unrealistic expectations about how we should look. These...
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