Affiliate Policy:
Cultivate Joy Nutrition is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and will most likely be a participant of other affiliate programs in the future. Should you click on an affiliate link and purchase a product within a particular amount of time, the company will provide me with a small commission. This commission is paid by the company-NOT by my blog followers.
Having affiliate links works towards supporting my business. I will solely use affiliate links for products that I think highly of and have had good experiences with.
Release of Liability:
Should you purchase an item that is spoken highly of or is advertised on Cultivate Joy Nutrition, this is your choice. Cultivate Joy Nutrition is not liable for any challenges that develop, including but not limited to: products not delivered to your place of residence, a product being delivered that’s damaged or does not work properly, discovering that you purchased a product prior to it being discounted or going on sale, or challenges with sites that I link to. Additionally, any information that you disclose to an outside site is at your own risk.